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Executable Models for Extensible Workflow Engines
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Executable Models for Extensible Workflow Engines



Estado: Activo
ISBN-13: 9789586956635
Tamaño: 17 x 24 cm
Peso: 0.6200 kg
Número absoluto de páginas: 344 Páginas
Tipo de edición: Nueva edición
Fecha de publicación: 2012
Tipo de restricción de venta: Exclusivo para un punto o canal de venta
Distribuidor de la editorial: Ediciones Uniandes
Disponibilidad del producto: Disponible. Sin detalles.
Precio: (COP) 80300

List of tables
List of figures
List of listings

1. Introduction

1.1 Research context
1.2 Problem statement
1.3 Thesis approach
1.4 Thesis’ contributions
1.5 Organization of the dissertation

2. Workflow modeling and enactment

2.1 General workflow concepts
2.2 Workflow modeling
2.3 Workflow modularization
2.4 Workflow kernels and intermediate languages
2.5 Development of engines for new languages

3. Executable models in a workflow kernel

3.1 A metamodeling platform for executable workflow Models
3.2 The role of a configurable kernel
3.3 Concern specific workflow languages
3.4 Coordination of concern specific models
3.5 Open objects
3.6 The Cumbia platform
3.7 Summary

4. Workflow models based on open objects

4.1 A metamodeling platform based on open objects
4.2 open objects
4.3 metamodels and model definition
4.4 model execution
4.5 workflow engines and the Cumbia kernel
4.6 a sample metamodel: mini BPMN
4.7 A sample mini BPMN Model
4.8 extensions to the mini BPMN
4.9 Summary

5. Coordination of multiple concern specific models

5.1 Model composition and coordination
5.2 CCL - the Cumbia composition language
5.3 An architecture to execute concern specific models
5.4 A sample workflow
5.5 Summary

6. Towards a development process for workflow engines based on Cumbia

6.1 Process overview
6.2 Design and develop languages, metamodels. And Engines
6.3 Design metamodel composition
6.4 Design and build applications
6.5 Design and build workflows
6.6 Enact workflows
6.7 Summary

7. Validation

7.1 Objective revisited
7.2 Overview of the case studies
7.3 Mini BPMN
7.4 yawl and petri nets
7.5 PaperXpress
7.6 IMS-LD
7.7 Other experiments
7.8 Review of the findings

8. Conclusion

8.1 Summary and reflection
8.2 Conclusions
8.3 Future work

A. Interfaces of the open objects

A.1 I Navigable
A.2 I Model Element
A.3 I OOKernel Element
A.4 I Open object

B. Metamodel and model specification schemas

B.1 Metamodel definition schema
B.2 State machine definition schema
B.3 Model definition schema

C. navigation language

D. Cumbia composition language CCL


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